Save the Children in Sri Lanka (SC) has been working towards promoting child rights in Sri Lanka since 1974 through a variety of initiatives. One such initiative is the project titled ‘Strengthening Counter-Trafficking Efforts (SCOUT)’.This...
Child Protection in Emergencies Professional Development Programme (CPiE PDP) is a six-month capacity building programme for mid-level child protection in emergencies practitioners. In the Asia Pacific region, three cycles have been completed...
“The study “Child sex trafficking in the tourism sector in Sri Lanka”, was conducted by Save the Children and was commissioned by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Sri Lanka as part of the project “Strengthening Counter...
A brief case study from Save the Children Sri Lanka describing the gender seeding approach in the implementation of Early Childhood Development parenting interventions with families working in the tea plantations.
A Save the Children fact sheet looking at key aspects of child protection with special focus on the sub-theme “children without appropriate care”, which encompasses children who are not receiving suitable, continuous and quality care,...
Save the Children Sweden (SCS) is clear in its belief that collaborating with civil society plays an important role in promoting, respecting, protecting and fulfilling children’s rights during emergencies: ‘We will always work with partner...
The devastating South Asia tsunami of December 26, 2004 triggered the largest disaster response in Save the Children’s history. Save the Children has continued to assist hundreds of thousands of children and family members in the hardest hit...
This booklet addresses disaster risk reduction (DRR) as any activity carried out by a village, community, aid agency or government that helps vulnerable communities, and especially children, to prepare for, reduce the impact of, or prevent...
The devastating Asia tsunami of December 26, 2004, was one of the biggest emergency responses in Save the Children’s history. Four years later, when the world’s focus had largely moved on, Save the Children continued to stand by hundreds of...
This report has been produced as a result of the consultations held between practitioners from the Save the Children Alliance Tsunami Programmes (TRP) operating in Indonesia, Sri Lanka and India in the 2004 Asian tsunami aftermath. The conference,...